
Monday, May 17, 2010

What We're Up To?: G Sting Co. And Slogan

KG Style has joined forces with 2 fellow designers - One Off Fashions and G Sting and have formed a design firm. We are working right now on a slogan that integrates all three companies.

Design Firm 

3 Companies
One OFF - T Shirt Design - His last name's initial is G.
KG Style - Interior Design
G Sting - will be the parent company

Although we are very different, one thing we have in common is design.
Help me create a slogan that brings together all three.

You can vote on the ones below or help me make up one. We want the words "G" and sting somewhere in there - if not both, then one of them will do.

1. Design with a little sting.
2. A Little "G" in every design.
3. It's not design without the "G."

My personal favorite is the third one. But tell me what you think!



Unknown says:
at: May 23, 2010 at 4:32 PM said...

I love all things interior design :D Thanks so much for stopping by my blog yesterday!!

KG says:
at: May 25, 2010 at 12:14 PM said...

You are absolutely welcome! I love your blog. I'm following it now!

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