
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Event: Girly Outdoor Birthday Party in Aqua and Pink

here's a little aqua and pink birthday bash I threw together for one of my best friends. She's very girly and so I envisioned girly things like jewelry, pink and tiaras. I gave it a little vintage style a la Marilyn Monroe. Since it was outdoors, I couldn't catch the best lighting so I don't have many pictures. 

The Inspiration

The Decor

The Best Dressed Table in the Park

Party Details

The outdoor birthday bash was to be simple - maybe prop a cake on a small table with some balloons to let the guests know where we had stationed ourselves. But why be simple and boring when you've got an event planner as a best friend? My sentiments EXACTLY!
I went with a whimsical shabby chic decor - most used in my interior designs. I designed a cake trio and with the help of her friend, it was nicely executed. Bought some tiara and jewelry from a costume jewelry shop. The aqua vase found it at Homegoods as well as the 2 pink champagne glasses. I stuffed the glasses with jewelry and fake flower leaves. I did use my own pearls to wrap around the main cake stand. 
What do you think of this event design?
If you have a theme in mind for your next event and need help executing it, we can help you create an inspiration design board. For more info, visit our etsy shop. 



Nikki says:
at: October 17, 2012 at 6:25 PM said...

I like pink & aqua together. I also like pink & gray. Those cakes look yummy! I hope the birthday girl had a great time. I'm stopping by from SITS. I hope you have a great night.


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