
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How To Organize Your Closet! - 6 Surefire Way to Get It Done!

cute! (When you're 12) but can you honestly say that you do the same at your age?

Jam packed closets seem to be a problem for MOST adults! You may WANT to organize that closet - (WANT being the operative word here) - but you just have way too much and it ALL does not fit in this tiny little closet. So what now? What do you do?

don't fret! Follow these easy steps and let KG Style finally design a closet worth opening! 

1. Unclutter, Unclutter, Unclutter.  

  • It sounds simple but you'd be surprised at the daunting task that lies ahead. Best way to unclutter your closet is by simply taking EVERYTHING out! Make separate piles for articles you wear on a daily basis and your "sometimes" or "social" clothes. Clothes that no longer fit - should automatically be removed. Other articles like impulse buys that no longer make you feel great or trendy items that have exhausted their 15 minutes of fame - can be donated or sold - depending on the wear and tear! 
  • If you find yourself with clothes that need mending - take a look at each item and decide if it's worth the hefty bill lurking at the cleaners. If it's not, give it away to someone who will get that hemline fixed and thus appreciate their new addition. If you'd taken an honest look - everything that needs to be mended, you'd absolutely die without - then bag those items and take them to the  cleaners the next day! 
    2. Use Up All Of That Closet Space.
    • Install a second rod. All that extra space below your clothes - becomes wasted space - and let's face it - space is crucial to most of us NYC apartment dwellers! By installing a rod for shorter items like skirts - you're using up every inch of space the closet has to offer. But remember to allow room for longer items, too! 
    3. Sort, Sort, Sort!
    • To give it that "store" look - group items and articles of clothing that go together. Things such as shorts, jackets, skirts, pants.    
    4. Compartmentalize
    • As much as you can. You can find great products at one of the BEST organizing stores ever made aptly named: The Container Store. Here you can purchase most of the items you see above - the Elfa System - and more! 
    5. Containerize
    • Add containers - again from the Container Store - that not only look good but function for items such as sweaters, purses, hats, jeans and shoes.  
    6. Bells and Whistles 
    • Use whatever designing skills to make your closet look and feel fabulous. Various racks that are made specifically for belts, ties, shoes and bags. Every time you open the closet door, you want to see a MASTERPIECE!!

     For more information on how to DESIGN your space using these tips, please email me.


    Caro says:
    at: June 10, 2010 at 1:20 PM said...

    OMG I LOVE this post! I'm all about organizing and storage containers and whatnot, and am always looking for new ideas to make all my stuff easy to find while also not taking up toooo much space or being an eye sore. Thanks for these suggestions :)

    KG says:
    at: June 10, 2010 at 1:33 PM said...

    Follow the blog for more ideas on organizing and designing.

    Also, if you ever need a closet makeover - email me for a consultation - even if you aren't in the NY area, we can do virtual work!
    It's the new age in technology!

    Amanda @ Work at Home Freelancing says:
    at: June 14, 2010 at 3:55 AM said...

    This post is just what I need. My dear hubbie is finally (9 years on) renovating our bedroom and building in the wardrobes. In the centre we are having a sliding robe and I'd no idea how to do the interior but seeing this post and the pics I'm beginning to see what we can do.
    It's years since I've had a wardrobe so I'm quite excited that we'll no longer be living out of washing baskets!

    KG says:
    at: June 14, 2010 at 8:24 AM said...


    If you need me to help, I would most gladly! Let me know your needs.

    Thanks for stopping by!


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